Biography Continued, Ministry and Family News, Ancient Scroll Found, A New Palestinian Government? The Situation in Gaza, Netanyahu's Visit to Washington
The Past – A Brief History (How the Church related to Israel and to Jewish Evangelism; Evangelism Among the Jews in Israel; Present Day Jewish Christian Congregations in Israel); The Contemporary Scene (The Political, Social and Religious Scene; How the Church is Viewed; How the Gospel is Viewed; Arabs and Jews in Christ; Opposition to the Gospel; Christian Zionism; Gentile Christian Attitudes Toward Jewish Evangelism; Factors Effecting Jewish Evangelism; The Moral and Theological Scene; Literature, Art and Education; Expatriate and Indigenous Churches; Evangelism; Social and Political Responsibility); The Future (Growth and Intercongregational Cooperation; Expatriate and Indigenous Relations; Jewish and Arab Christian relations; Education; Evangelism; Impact on Israeli Society; What the Church Worldwide Can do). Appendix I An LCJE Statement on Zionism. Appendix II. A Statement on the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
The Doctrine of Creation, The Call of Abraham, The Siniatic Covenant and the Creation of Israel, The History of Israel (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Easther, The Prophets, The Hagiographa), Summary
Faith and the Law in Relation to the Jews; Faith, the Law and Spiritual experience; Faith, the Law, the Curse and the Blessing; Faith, the Law and Spirituality; Faith, the Law and the Promises of God; Faith, the Law and Sonship; Faith, the Law and the Spirit; A Summary of Paul's View.
God is Israel's Saviour; The Two Covenants (Intolerance; Two Ways of Salvation); Excursus - The Relations Between the Covenants (Salvation by Covenant-Keeping? The Covenants? The Presence of God in Jewish History); The Impl;ications of the Holocaust
The Kingdom in Relation to History, Reign and Realm, The Kingdom and Morality, The Kingdom and the Process of Revelation, The Kingdom andIsrael, the Kingdom and Messiah
The Nature of Biblical Unity, The Ot and the NT God, Relations with God, Law in the Testaments, The Main Purpose of Prophecy, Fulfillment and Expectation, Sacrifice, Priesthood, Presence, Covenant, Promises