Chapters include: The Scripture - God's Voice to Usa, Hermenutics and the Supernatural, Hermenutics and Obedience, Human Language as A Source for Hermenutical Principles, Subjectivism, Mysticism, Pneumatic Hermenutics, Sin as An Hermenutical Obstacle.
Chapters include: The Significance of Passover, Should We Celebrate Passover, How Should We Celebrate Passover, An Evaluation of Two Attempts to Celebrate Passover
Chapters include: Jewishness and Judaism, Jewish Christianity and an Antidote to Antisemitism, Between Judaism and Christianity, The Universality of the Church and its Jewishness, Messianic or Christian?
Difficulties facing the Jewish Christian movement. Chapters include: Some Practical Condierations, Scholarship, not Shallow Thinking, Hebrew Christian History, Relations with Judaism and Jewry, Relations with Gentile Christians, Gentile Christian relationship to Judaism, Doctrinal Issues, Our Potential and Dinstinctive Contribution
Chapters: Jewishness and Faith in God, Israel's Calling, The King-Priest, Isaiah on Messiah, Messiah's Role, Messiah and the Torah, Israel Today.
A response to Colin Chapman's book by that title - the biblical and historucal grounds for Israel's territorial aspirations.