Israel Today and Tomorrow
The Past – A Brief History (How the Church related to Israel and to Jewish Evangelism; Evangelism Among the Jews in Israel; Present Day Jewish Christian Congregations in Israel); The Contemporary Scene (The Political, Social and Religious Scene; How the Church is Viewed; How the Gospel is Viewed; Arabs and Jews in Christ; Opposition to the Gospel; Christian Zionism; Gentile Christian Attitudes Toward Jewish Evangelism; Factors Effecting Jewish Evangelism; The Moral and Theological Scene; Literature, Art and Education; Expatriate and Indigenous Churches; Evangelism; Social and Political Responsibility); The Future (Growth and Intercongregational Cooperation; Expatriate and Indigenous Relations; Jewish and Arab Christian relations; Education; Evangelism; Impact on Israeli Society; What the Church Worldwide Can do). Appendix I An LCJE Statement on Zionism. Appendix II. A Statement on the Arab-Israeli Conflict.