Soli Deo Gloria
Upon retirement from the leadersip of Christian Witness to Israel in Decenber 2006 and from the pastorate of Grace and Truth Christian Congregation in December 2008, Baruch has taken up a new ministry of teaching, writing and preaching. There is a dearth of theological and exegetical material in Hebrew - books that equip Pastors, Bible teachers and thoughtful Christians to understand the Bible and the practice of the Faith. Apart from Baruch, no one is presently writing original Christian theological and exegetical material in Hebrew.
That is the reason for Soli Deo Gloria (Israel), dedicated to the production of original Christian literature in Hebrew, geared to the culture, the challenges and eager to make most of the opportunities in Israel. Most of Baruch's notoriously long work-day is given to research and writing. His books are given. almost gratis, to Israeli Christian publishers, thus eliminating our costs for publication and broadening distribution. Where necessary and where means permit, we will publish and distribute the books ourselves. We are also seeking ways to broaden our reach through the Internet. In the future, we hope to hire part time help for research, editing and administration, increasing output by releasing Baruch for writing. So far, we have been unable to realize this intention.
Baruch travels to the US almost annually, and is available for speaking engagements there and, to a limited extent, elsewhere. For inquiries please click here
Soli Deo Gloria produces an electronic monthly newsletter, MaozNews, available for the asking. To subscribe please click here "friend" us on FaceBook (Baruch Maoz), subscribe to us on Twitter @BaruchMaoz or link up with us on LinkedIn.
Inquiries are welcome. To contribute to our work, please click here