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Come Let Us Reason Together

People from a Jewish background face difficult choices when they come to trust in Jesus.

To be Jewish, maintains Baruch Maoz, is a blessing from God. But how should Jewish Christians worship? If they join churches, there is real risk of assimilation. But if they establish synagogues, Gentile Christians feel excluded.

Some Jewish Christians have tried to solve these problems through Messianic Judaism, which allows them to proclaim Jesus as Messiah while retaining Jewish lifestyle and worship. Baruch Maoz maintains that the two cannot so easily be combined. He maintains that it is possible to be both Christian and Jewish without Messianic Judaism, and he points the way for Jewish Christians to retain their cultural identity without losing fellowship with other Christians.

“A supremely helpful analysis. . . . Baruch Maoz is uniquely qualified to write on the subject, and he has done so with a charitable tone and point-by-point thoroughness that will benefit people on all sides of the controversy. I greatly appreciate his relentlessly biblical approach.”
—John MacArthur, Pastor and Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California

“Jewish believers in Jesus have long been plagued with critical questions. . . . Are we to worship in churches with our Gentile brothers and sisters, or are we to commit ourselves to Messianic Judaism? This book is must reading for anyone who cares about the Jewish people.”
—Stan Telchin, Jewish Christian and Author of Betrayed!

“An excellent treatise . . . as well as an effective and appropriate critique of the current Messianic Movement.”
—Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

Baruch Maoz served for 33 years as Pastor of Grace and Truth Christian Congregation near Tel Aviv and Field Leader for Christian Witness to Israel. He is senior editor of the Modern Hebrew Bible, coeditor of the Annotated Hebrew New Testament, and founder and former coeditor of Mishkan: An International Theological Forum on Jewish Evangelism.   A Friendly Critique of the Messianic Movement Available July 25 2012, published by Presbyterian and Reformed Amazon, Barnes & Noble Digital edition also to be available


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Founders Study Guide Commentary: Colossians: Christ All-Sufficient

An expositional commentary on the book of Colossians.


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Galatians: He Did It All

This commentary is based on my translation of Paul's letter to the Galatians, and my translation is based on the British and Foreign Bible Society's Nestle and Aland's New Testament text of 1904. All other quotes from Scripture are taken from the English Standard Version (ESV).


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A Prophet on the Run A Devotional Commentary Under preparation by Shepherd Press. Publication date to be announced.


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An expositional commentary on the book of Malachi. Christians interested in Jewish Christian insights of an often overlooked prophetic book and pastors seeking inspiration for preaching and teaching will find in Malachi: A Prophet in Times of Despair a helpful guide.     A Prophet in Times of Despair A Devotional Commentary, published by Crossbooks Available from, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Digital edition also available


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Prophet on the Run

This warmhearted devotional commentary originated as a sermon series and is meant for every Christian who wants to apply the lessons of Jonah in a practical way. Like us, Jonah often lived inconsistently. He knew that God cannot be escaped—yet he tried to escape. He knew that God is merciful—yet he tried to limit His mercy. The Lord took hold of Jonah and forced him to come to Him. What we think about God determines how we live; like Jonah, we must learn God's mercy.


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