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A Message to the Nation

Does the Church have anything to say to our nation? Ought we bunker down or be on the aggresive? Where and why should we plant new churches?


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Jews and the Death of Jesus, Punishing Israel, Why the Jews Are Blamed.


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Aspects of the Kingdom of God

JCOP 19-20 Aspects of the Kingdom of God The kingdom of God is a vital focus of New Testament revelation. It serves as a basic substructure to much of biblical teaching in the NT no less than in the Old.  Its importance is not only apparent by the frequent explicit references made to it, but by the implicit and assumptive use of the concept in much of what the NT teaches.  For this reason, a proper appreciation and under-standing of the kingdom of God are essential for a valid understanding of the NT itself.


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Beginning at Jerusalem, A Plea for Prioritising Jewish Evangeli

Beginning at Jerusalem? Why Jerusalem? How?


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Christ in Colossians

The Colossians were devout, serious-minded Christians, willing to forgo earthly pleasures for the Gospel. They were intent on spiritual advancement. All such influences combined in Colossae to form what was understood to be a higher level of spirituality. Yet Paul was displeased and sought to rectify their shortcomings by this letter. Whatever their intentions, their understanding of the Christian Faith made light of Christ and obscured his stupendous glory. History seems to indicate that various forms of the Colossian heresy consistently repeated themselves, hence one of the values of our study. The Colossians developed doctrinal shibboleths and lists of do's and don'ts which served to distinguish between the Truly Faithful and all the others. They considered themselves to be a spiritual elite, in possession of superior knowledge....  


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Christ the telos

Presented to Prof. Tremper Longman III of Westmont Christian College, and Dr. Vered Hillel of the Israel College of the Bible, for a Masters in Biblical Studies, July 2012. 397 pages


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Christians in Politics

The role of the church and the role of Christian individuals in politics


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Church and Government

This article deals with grace and government in the present conflict with terror. The word "grace" in our title stands for the Gospel, and therefore for the church. Hence our discussion will focus on the respective roles of the church and of government in the present world conflict, and of the relation between these two bodies. Our topic will be divided into three headings: The Role of Government in the Conflict with Terror; The Role of the Church in the Conflict with Terror; and A Brief Review of Present Realities and the Possibilities They Present. 


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Church Life, Function and Structure (English)

What should the life of the church look like? How should it function, and what structure best fits its function?


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Hosea Chapter One

Introduction to Book of Hosea, Hosea Chapter One


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Hosea Chapter Two (Hebrew)

Hosea Chapter Two


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How Should We Celebrate Passover

Chapters include: The Significance of Passover, Should We Celebrate Passover, How Should We Celebrate Passover, An Evaluation of Two Attempts to Celebrate Passover


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Integrity in Christian Leadership

Integrity is more than we appear to others to be. It has to do with truth in the inner parts(Psa. 51:6), which no others but God and yourself know what is happening. Remember, in the Day of Judgment, God will call into account even the most successfully hidden secrets. He will expose to public scrutiny even what we have whispered in the secret of our friendships and in the inner rooms of our homes (Luke 12:3). Integrity is one of the greatest needs of the church today", says Hughes (123). Of course, he is right. Integrity is apparently something in which the church and its leadership do not engage in sufficiently. We are taken up with appearances, with numbers and with the kind of success that is tangible. We preach that this earth is nothing and that God is not impressed with appearances (I Sam. 16:7), but our actions often betray quite a different view of things. We have forgotten or ignored the high standards which the Gospel teaches and no longer understand aspirations such as those expressed by Tycho Brahe, a Scandinavian astronomer who said that he longed "to be, not to appear to be".


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Israel - People, Land, State and Torah

The History; The People, its God and the Land; The Land and God's presence; The People and the Land; Political Independence in the Land; The Land and Salvation; The New Testamanet; The Torah


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Israel and the Gospel

God is Israel's Saviour; The Two Covenants (Intolerance; Two Ways of Salvation); Excursus - The Relations Between the Covenants (Salvation by Covenant-Keeping? The Covenants? The Presence of God in Jewish History); The Impl;ications of the Holocaust


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Israel Today and Tomorrow

The Past – A Brief History (How the Church related to Israel and to Jewish Evangelism; Evangelism Among the Jews in Israel; Present Day Jewish Christian Congregations in Israel); The Contemporary Scene (The Political, Social and Religious Scene; How the Church is Viewed; How the Gospel is Viewed; Arabs and Jews in Christ; Opposition to the Gospel; Christian Zionism; Gentile Christian Attitudes Toward Jewish Evangelism; Factors Effecting Jewish Evangelism; The Moral and Theological Scene; Literature, Art and Education; Expatriate and Indigenous Churches; Evangelism; Social and Political Responsibility); The Future (Growth and Intercongregational Cooperation; Expatriate and Indigenous Relations; Jewish and Arab Christian relations; Education; Evangelism; Impact on Israeli Society; What the Church Worldwide Can do). Appendix I An LCJE Statement on Zionism. Appendix II. A Statement on the Arab-Israeli Conflict.


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Israel, Iran and the Bomb

A discussion of Israel's option in light of Iran's nuclear pretensions.2


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Israel: Today and Tomorrow

The paper was written in 1989 and the facts provided are an accurate representation of the state of the church in Israel in that year.   Information about Israel is as varied as are the reasons for interest in such.  The aim of this report is to present reliable information that is not characterized by exaggeration, wishful thinking or a negative attitude which tends to make light of encouraging signs of progress.  Readers will have to judge how successfully the report has achieved that goal.  It is hoped that the following information provided will help to dispel some common misconceptions about Jewish evangelism:


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JCOP 18 - The Gospel Scene in Israel 1989

Local and Expatriate churches, Relations Between Jews and Arabs in Churches, Government Attitudes, Jewish Christian Identity, Christian Zionism


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Jerusalem and Justice

Is Perfect Justice Acheiveble in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict?


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Jewish Christianity - Whither and Why

Difficulties facing the Jewish Christian movement. Chapters include: Some Practical Condierations, Scholarship, not Shallow Thinking, Hebrew Christian History, Relations with Judaism and Jewry, Relations with Gentile Christians, Gentile Christian relationship to Judaism, Doctrinal Issues, Our Potential and Dinstinctive Contribution


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Jewish Christians - Israels Dilemma

Who are the Jewish Christians, what do they believe and why? A dilemma for Israel and the church.


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Jewish Missions after the Holocaust

The Holocaust is a traumatic experience for Jews and for many gentiles. It has driven a large number of Jews to the despair of atheism and is frequently referred to as having a major impact on how the church relates to Israel.   Many Christians have been horrified by the abysmal evil which the Holocaust revealed and by their own moral paralysis in the course of the Holocaust. They insist upon the church foregoing any notion of preaching the Gospel to the Jews. Jews have also embraced the Holocaust as a reason why the church should abstain from evangelism of the Jewish people. What is the truth?


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Jewishness and Nationality

Nationality and Jeiwhs Nationality, Hewishness


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Justice and the Land

The Biblical Data: The Land, Justice, Practical Implications. The History: The Jewish Problem, The Palestinian Problem, The Intifada, The PLO, Zionism, Jerusalem. The Way Ahead. Hope for Jerusalem. A Brief Response to the Responses. Afterthoughts 1994, Hamas, Israeli Extremism, The next stage, Jerusalem, Territorial Compromise


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Law and Grace in the History of Israel

Grace in the Old Testament; Law and Grace; Conclusions


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Law Grace and the Covenants - Implications for Jewish Christian

A Continued Jewish Existence; Law as a Means of Jewish Christian Identity; Continuity Means Hope; Discontinuity Means Progress, Law, Promise and Grace


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Law in the Letter to the Galatians

Faith and the Law in Relation to the Jews; Faith, the Law and Spiritual experience; Faith, the Law, the Curse and the Blessing; Faith, the Law and Spirituality; Faith, the Law and the Promises of God; Faith, the Law and Sonship;  Faith, the Law and the Spirit; A Summary of Paul's View.


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Life Lessons

A Few Lessons leanred in the Course of a Life of Ministry


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Major Theological Issues Facing the Church Among the Jews in Israel

This paper will focus on theological issues facing the Church among the Jews in Israel. Such issues are fundamental to the health and future of the Church in Israel. First, reference will be made to numerical factors and to the spread of the Church in Israel. we will then proceed to view what I believe to be major theological issues facing the Church. I will then close by intimating what I consider to be a valid vision for the future, from which I will endeavour to derive some proposals for the Christians vis a vis the Israeli Church's needs and opportunities.  


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OT - NT Relations: Continuity, Discontinuity, Renewal

The Nature of Biblical Unity, The Ot and the NT God, Relations with God, Law in the Testaments, The Main Purpose of Prophecy, Fulfillment and Expectation, Sacrifice, Priesthood, Presence, Covenant, Promises


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Our Response to Covid-19

This is Nothing New Taking Advantage of the Opportunity= or Rising to the Occasion Self-serving "Love" Real Love


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Our Use of the Old Testament

Chapters include: The OT - Incomplete? The Relations Between the Testaments, Types, Shadows and Objective realities, The Hermenutics of OT Interpretation, Common Errors in OT Interpretation, How Should We Treat the OT?


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The OT and Our Missionary Mandate

The Doctrine of Creation, The Call of Abraham, The Siniatic Covenant and the Creation of Israel, The History of Israel (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Easther, The Prophets, The Hagiographa), Summary


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The Church -- Its Life, structure and function (Hebrew)

A three-part seminar in Hebrew on the purpose of the churchm its' structure, officers, function, its teaching ministry and nature of its' services


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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; Some Moral Considerations for Christians

A Discussion of the history of the conflict and some of the moral implications involved


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The Jewish Christian and Zionism

Chapters include: Israel - The People and the State, Involvement, Zionism, Moral Issues


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The Kingdom - A Comparison of some Jewish and Biblical Views

The Kingdom in Relation to History, Reign and Realm, The Kingdom and Morality, The Kingdom and the Process of Revelation, The Kingdom andIsrael, the Kingdom and Messiah


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The Law and the Covenant

A Definition of Covenant; Between Law and Covenant, The Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and New Covenants; Promise


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The Spirit and the Scriptures

Chapters include: Obstacles and the Spirit of God, Human Finitude, Sin, The Word by the Spirit, The Spirit Through the Word, The Spirit of the Word, The Spirit and the Truth, The Spirit of Revelation in the Knowledge of Him


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The Use of the OT in the Letter to the Hebrews

Chapters include: Which Text or Texts Used? How is the Text Used? Descriptive Terms, Fulfillment, Allegory, Symbolism and Illustration, Homology, The Targums


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To be (Messianic) or not to be.

The Messianic Movement has become a familiar feature in the kaleidoscope of shades and colors of those who profess to follow Jesus. What is the Messianic Movement? What is its history? What are its views? How should Christians view this movement? This article will endeavor to answer those questions, however briefly. For a more extensive discussion, readers are referred to my book, Come Let Us Reason Together (Presbyterian and Reformed, 2012).


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To Live is Christ: On Being Israel, Jewish and Christian

What is a Jew, What is an Israeli, What is a Christian, The Relations Between the Respective Elements of our Identity, What Israel Truly Needs.


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What Is A Jewish Christian

Chapters include: Jewishness and Judaism, Jewish Christianity and an Antidote to Antisemitism, Between Judaism and Christianity, The Universality of the Church and its Jewishness, Messianic or Christian?


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Who Is A Jew?

Chapters: Jewishness and Faith in God, Israel's Calling, The King-Priest, Isaiah on Messiah, Messiah's Role, Messiah and the Torah, Israel Today.


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Whose Promised Land?

A response to Colin Chapman's book by that title - the biblical and historucal grounds for Israel's territorial aspirations.
